Recent News

Thousands of Norwegians took to the streets protesting against fur farming

OSLO, 8 NOVEMBER 2014 - On Saturday the 8th of November, the torches from 7 000 norwegians lit up the streets of Oslo and 14...

Recent footage from fur farms in Canada reveals suffering

CANADA, 6 NOVEMBER 2014 - Last week The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals in Canada launched the campaign #MakeFurHistory. They have worked with LUSH Cosmetics...

Sao Paulo state bans fur farming

SAO PAOLO, 4 NOVEMBER 2014 - Chinchillas, mink and other fur animals can no longer be raised for their pelts under a new measure in...

Fur Free Week Japan

Fur Free Week in 12 Japanese cities

JAPAN, 18 OCTOBER 2014 - Between 18 and 26 October nationwide anti-fur demonstrations will take place in twelve Japanese cities. The fur trade in Japan...

Collapse of mink fur prices on Scandinavian auctions

KOPENHAGEN, 6 OCTOBER 2014 - September fur auctions in Finland and Denmark report precipitous price drops of mink fur compared to 2013. The average mink fur...