Fur Free Retailer

The Fur Free Retailer Program is an international effort to give consumers accurate information about a retailer’s fur policy, allowing consumers to make an informed choice when shopping.

The program aims to further the spirit of ethical consumerism and provide shoppers with information about the most compassionate retailers in the world. The Fur Free Retailer recognizes and supports retailers who have committed, in writing, to a no-fur policy. Without that written commitment, the Fur Free Retail Program will not endorse any company regardless of its current inventory.

Taking an ethical and public stand against fur fashion offers a company a chance to promote a public policy against violence and cruelty, and to lend its support to the international efforts to end this unnecessary and cruel fashion choice.

Compassionate consumers such as you can help by refusing to shop at stores that sell fur and by encouraging retailers to commit, in writing, to a non-fur policy and thus be recognized by the International Fur Free Retailer program.

Learn more about the program at: www.furfreeretailer.com